Wednesday, April 5, 2017

El-Roi: The God who Sees

Genesis 16:13 Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord, who had spoken to her. She said, "You are the God who sees me."

In Hebrew, the phrase "You are the God who sees me" translates into El-Roi.

When we're up on the mountains, tasting the Lord's goodness and running in freedom, El-Roi. You are the God who sees us. The Lord sees us as we serve and as we aim to be more like Him. God is the One who sets us on those mountains and keeps us there.

And yet I think we so desperately need to cling to this truth in the valleys and the trials. El-Roi. You are the God who sees us. He has not left us alone. He sees the tears that fall and He longs to clothe His children with comfort and compassion. El-Roi.

We might not always see Him move, but He sees us. Just as the Lord saw Hagar in her pain, the Lord sees us. He longs to meet us there.

I am reminded of a song that the Lord has shown me recently. The chorus goes,
"I know You're able and I know You can save through the fire with Your mighty hand.
  But even if You don't, my Hope is You alone.
  I know the sorrow and I know the hurt would all go away if You'd just say the word.
  But even if you don't, my Hope is You alone."

Regardless of whether or not we see God in our lives, we can cling to the hope that God sees us. We can cling to the promise that the Lord is faithful to His promises and that He is a compassionate Father. What Compassionate, Good Father, would do nothing if He saw one of His children in pain? Friend, the Lord sees you. In the good and in the bad. He knows what you are going through, even if no one else does. As we place all our hope and trust in God alone, we will find abundant joy, comfort, and peace. El-Roi. You are the God who see us. Rest in that promise and watch Him be faithful.

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