"Ring by spring."
I guess Christians are notorious for falling in love with each other, aspiring to love their S.O with the love of Jesus (cause that's where love comes from, you know), and before you know it, they're engaged and married. I'm not knocking that. All the power to them. But what if you're not in a committed relationship? The inevitable question that arises, whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not, is "What about me?" What's not special enough about me?
And that's when the enemy comes in and starts to jab at our sides...telling us lies about our worth, that in the moment, seem incredibly true.
I know this is cliche. I know this is what every Christian blogger ever writes about on Valentine's Day. But perhaps it's cliche because it's something we cannot be reminded of enough.
Friends, you are enough.
Or to put it in other words: You've got nothing to prove, to anyone.
The reason you're single has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with God. Maybe God has an extravagant crazy plan for your life that involves being single for a little while. Maybe He has called you to love His people right now, with the same love you'd have for your S.O. Maybe He's testing your trust, begging you to hold on to your dreams with open palms (because at least in my experience, the second I start to cling to my dreams and hopes, God pries my fingers away and takes that dream away until I learn to trust Him again). Maybe He's just testing your patience.
Friends, while all of these truths may not take away the pain that some of us feel today, they definitely make this day bearable. Maybe even enjoyable. C.S Lewis wrote, "I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for Him to wait."
We have a perfect Father who knows what is best for us. He never withholds anything good from us. There is a purpose in the waiting.
So while we wait, let us hold fast to our Lord. Let us serve Him with everything we have. Let us spend our days becoming more like Him. Let us grow deeper in trust and patience. And today, on Valentine's Day, let us remember that we have the Ultimate Valentine. We have a Valentine who loved us so much, He suffered for us (so much so, that we cannot even begin to grasp an inch of His suffering). We have a Valentine who is perfectly patient, kind, and humble. We have a Valentine who rejoices with the Truth. We have a Valentine who endures and who's perfect Love will never fail.
So while we wait my dear friends, let that be enough for us.